Road rash is often thought of as a minor injury, but it can be very severe, disfiguring and life-threatening. Road rash is a friction burn, both an abrasion and heat burn. Like other types of burns, it is categorized by degrees. When serious, road rash is often treated in burn centers or burn units. The biggest danger is usually infection after-the-fact, but in some cases road rash can cause life-threatening bleeding, and road rash can be so severe the body parts, such as finger, are ground off entirely. Most commonly the result of motorcycle accidents, severe road rash can also occur in bicycle accidents and in motor vehicle accidents where ejection occurs.
Dangers of Road Rash
Road rash is a very painful injury, even when it’s mild. And it tends to scar, even when it’s mild. Serious road rash can come with serious complications, including life-threatening infections and permanently debilitating damage to tissues. The treatment for serious road rash is very painful as well, often involving debridement.
Some of the consequences you can suffer from road rash include:
- Shock
- Infection
- Sepsis
- Nerve damage
- Soft tissue damage
- Scarring
- Traumatic tattoo
- Disfigurement
- Amputation
- Permanent impairment
Severe road rash can require skin grafts and/or a lengthy hospital stay. Infections are a common complication of road rash. Dirt, grime, asphalt and other debris are ground into the wound. Cleaning road rash is a slow and painful process and it is not always possible to remove all of the debris. Debris left behind can become permanently embedded in the skin and causing discoloration known as traumatic tattoo.
Amputation from road rash is most often the result of infection, but it can occur as part of the initial injury. In cases where there is no amputation, road rash can still tear through muscle, nerves and soft tissue causing permanent impairment.
Accidents Resulting in Road Rash
Motorcycle, bicycle and skating accidents are most commonly known for causing road rash. In motorcycle accidents, road rash tends to be severe due to the higher speeds. In bicycle and skating accidents, lack of protective gear can lead to severe road rash even though they normally happen at lower speeds.
Road rash can also occur in motor vehicle accidents when there is ejection or partial ejection.
If you have suffered severe road rash as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact an experienced burn injury attorney in your state today.
Burn Injuries: Scarring
For many patients, scarring is one of the most devastating consequences of severe burns. Changes to your appearance may be extreme, resulting in life-long psychological harm. And burn injury scars can have a serious physical effect. You may have lost range of motion or mobility. Burn injury treatment methods have improved to the point that scarring is not as severe as it was years ago. Getting proper treatment for burns right away can minimize the development of scars. Subsequent medical treatments can reduce the scarring that has developed or minimize its impact on functioning.
Types of Burn Scars
There are several types of burn scars including:
- Keloid – keloid scars are scar tissue that has overgrown. They are thick scars that often appear as shiny, hairless lumps.
- Hypertrophic – hypertrophic scars are confirmed to the burn area but are typically raised. They may be red or purple in color and they may itch and cause discomfort.
- Contractures – contractures are tightening of the skin, muscles or tendons. They can reduce range of motion causing impairment, and can be severe enough to cause loss of mobility.
Burn Scar Prevention and Treatment
Prevention of scar formation happens during burn injury treatment and the healing phase. To prevent scarring:
- You may be asked to wear compression garments every day for several months
- You may need to wear a splint to keep joints straight during the healing process, to prevent contractures
Treatment for burn scars can include:
- Skin grafts to replace damages skin with healthy skin from another part of your body or from a donor
- Physical therapy to improve range of motion where there are contractures
- Surgery to release contractures so that mobility or range of motion is restored or improved
To learn more about compensation for burn scars and burn scar treatment, please talk to an experienced burn injury attorney today.